Saturday, September 6, 2008


Hey all!
Thank you for your continued prayers during my time out here at orientation in Virginia. The following is an update on what is going on in Virginia and a little bit about what God has been teaching me.

We had planned a weekend trip to NYC, but Tropical Storm Hannah put a postponement on those plans. When all of your plans are outdoors, five inches of rain isn't exactly the formula for a successful weekend, but we are now going our last weekend out here. I would put good odds on there not being another Hurricane in the area, but you never know.

This week is contingency training, where they prepare us for situations in which we might be captured, taken hostage, and other associated nightmares. The training is for mental, physical, and spiritual preparedness, so this could be a draining experience. While I am going to a low risk country in Peru, my language training in Guatemala will pose very high security risks as organized crime has spread across the country, so the information will be very helpful.

Lately God has been teaching me about how to better abide in Him. I think that our generation of Christians is in danger of missing out on this joy. My life sometimes feels like a freight train that is always moving faster. I am always looking forward to the next activity, meeting, or conversation as I apply machine-age methods to my relationship with God. We are losing our ability to absorb the moment, become still, and listen to God. Searching is a scientific procedure, but am realizing I have to beware of the mechanical ruts of spirituality. I read my chapter, I have my short devotions, and rush away, hoping to make up for my spiritual bankruptcy by attending another bible study or reading a trendy, insightful Christian bestseller on how to better my life. God is teaching me to worship and adore as well as analyze and explain. While Martha busied herself in preparation for Christ, Mary sat at Jesus' feet, learning, listening, and loving her Lord. My greatest lack is just here.

Please pray for continued spiritual discipline and that I would still myself enough to hear what the Lord is trying to reveal to me.

Five weeks to go before I am off to the field!

Awaiting His Return,